Is there a free eBook for jQuery? I know, there is a lot of info online, but i think, a book is always better.
The Online Documentation is very good and has all the information you need and I'm not quite sure, what you expect from an eBook (I know that some prefer to have a paperback books though). There are also several options to print the documentation e.g. as a PDF.
2009-07-20 08:42:46
The documentation is excellent and should always be more up to date than an e-book
David Archer
2009-07-20 08:45:41
Check this out:
But seriously, books aren't always better. The online documentation, tutorials, and examples scattered from blogs and other write-ups should be sufficient.
Also, many plugins for jQuery are being developed. I doubt that ebooks can keep up with all of those developments.
Here's a good collection of jQuery resources: 65 Excellent jQuery Resources (tutorials,cheat sheets,ebooks,demos,plugins…)
2009-07-20 08:44:04