



+2  A: 

The Python Wiki has a nice list:

Most of the home pages for those libraries have screen shots and samples you can run after downloading the library.

I've used wxPython with success and like it a fair bit. I also hear good thing about PyQT constantly. Both can be used to produce well finished products, I think.

Some more information on both PyQT and wxPython is available on the Python Wiki:

Both libraries have their own license and I'm afraid I can't tell you much more about that. (I know you can get a commercial license for PyQT, but do not know the costs involved.)

+1  A: 

I'd definately start out with wxpython, it's easy and just uses the operating system widget styles so it looks pretty good on windows/linux/mac

12 Dogs
Is the color pallet changeable?
Probably, but you probably shouldn't be doing that, it's supposed to look to the OS.
12 Dogs
+2  A: 

If you want it to be both free and distributable as a commercial application, then wxPython is the way to go. Although the C++ version of Qt has switched from the GPL to LGPL license, PyQT is still GPL'ed.

Michael Aaron Safyan
...AND you are allowed to sell your code even if you GPL it (as long as you give source to all purchasers who want it, or just to all, AND have no restriction except GPL on their redistributing it). "Can sell" and "Can sell as closed source or with licenses != GPL" are rather different specifications!-)
Alex Martelli
Practically speaking, GPL is incompatible with any commercial endeavor that seeks to make a profit.
Michael Aaron Safyan
Thank you Michael.
Are the color pallet and font changeable? I looked and couldn't tell. Thanks.

Personally, I found all of python native GUI technologies quirky and limiting.

However, python integrates well with pretty much any technology outhere including Flash and Winforms/WPF. I am currently building a rich UIs using Python and Winforms using Python.Net as bridge technology. I found it very easy to use. It also let's me do all the GUI heavy lifting in Visual Studio keeping presenter, model and below logic in Python.

Sorry, I'm not very knowledgeable, and you lost me. Are those gui's I could use for Python?
+2  A: 

wxPython is easy to learn and looks decent. This tutorial is very complete.

In case you want to try something else, there's this PyQT tutorial and this PyGTK tutorial from the same site. They look pretty decent too.


pyglet (http://www.pyglet.org/) is nice and BSD licensed, which I prefer to GPL licenses.

You can find some screens here: http://groups.google.com/group/pyglet-users/web

I clicked a few and didn't see any screen shots...
That looks good, but there's not much to see. If you run across any more please let me know. Thanks.
+1  A: 

I am suprised noone has mentioned it yet, but pygtk is a strong option as well. http://www.pygtk.org. The gtk api is mature and the python bindings are written to be very "pythonic"

When you are looking for the gui building http://glade.gnome.org is nice as well
