




I am trying to use the below code to check if my variable contains the word NOT_INTERFACED. So I am using the ends-with function.

But if it does I want to print the remaining word minus NOT_INTERFACED.

But I am getting an error, my java program is calling this template however I get an exception ends-with not found.

Am I doing something wrong syntax wise ?

  <xsl:when test="ends-with($ID_FO, 'NOT_INTERFACED')">
    <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($ID_FO, 'NOT_INTERFACED')"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$ID_FO"/>

and the error is


+1  A: 

EDIT: See my comment below,

I checked the XPATH 1.0 documentation and it does not include an ends-with function. You'll have to do the substring method I detailed below--that is if you are using XSLT 1.0 (which uses XPATH 1.0)

EDIT 2: Just so my comment has some nice syntax highlighting:

<xsl:when test="substring($ID_FO, string-length($ID_FO)-14) = '_NOT_INTERFACED'">
Ok, what version of XSLT are you using? I think ends-with might not be in 1.0 in which case you need to do a little more fancy footwork. Like substring($ID_FO, string-length($ID_FO)-15) = '_NOT_INTERFACED'... (check my indices because XSLT counts from 1 not 0 so I tend to make mistakes.
I'm pretty sure it is actually -14 not -15. Since the string length is the number of characters which would be 15 if the string was simply _NOT_INTERFACED and the indices start at 1 so you want to subtract 14. I have no idea why they thought it was good to change stuff up on us programmers and start with 1 instead of 0.
Did this fix it? Have you tried it?
+1  A: 

XSLT parsers are case sensitive - try using this:

    <xsl:when test="ends-with($ID_FO, 'NOT_INTERFACED')">
      <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($ID_FO, 'NOT_INTERFACED')"/>
      <xsl:value-of select="$ID_FO"/>

Also you had forgotten to close the xsl:when element after the test attribute.

Andrew Hare
guys... no type error from my end... What I may have typed here was just to explain the logic m using. I am not making any syntax error... the error I get is funtions ends-with not found :(....\Please help
Please post the actual code that is causing the error and the error you are seeing.
Andrew Hare
<xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="ends-with($ID_FO, 'NOT_INTERFACED')"><xsl:value-of select="substring-before($ID_FO, 'NOT_INTERFACED')"/></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>garbage</xsl:text></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose>and the error is COULD NOT FIND FUNCTION ENDS WITH.LOCATION: unknown java.lang.NullPointerException
Dire: you misunderstood the request. Please post the Java code you are using to try and run the xsl template against the xml document.
java code is humongous to post here :(
@Dire - have you noticed that you can actually *edit* your own post? Please do not post question clarifications in comments. And please use *real* code right from the start. No-one can help you with syntactically incorrect mock-ups your made up "to show the logic".

I've already posted it as a comment in my answer over at your other question. Replace your entire <xsl:choose> construct with this one-liner:

<xsl:value-of select="
  substring-before(concat($ID_FO, 'NOT_INTERFACED'), 'NOT_INTERFACED')
" />

You are still not clear whether your string contains or ends with 'NOT_INTERFACED'.

If it ends with the substring you want to get rid of, use the above. If it contains it, you have your answer in the other question. I suggest having a second look there.
