



Soon I'm going to build an application that needs to be scalable and flexible. Since I'm not a "MySQL" Guru I'm wondering if someone with experience could give me a couple of recommendations for achieving this application I'm going to build.

Which database model structure do you think is the best for scalable and flexible sites?

+11  A: 

With such a concrete question, I'm going to have to say "Relational". Can't go wrong with that.

I thought about doing an upvote just because of the humor. :)
R. Bemrose
Just beat me to it :P
Not looking for free rep points here. It just had to be said :-)
I think the answer "relational" deserves an upvote, and the question in its current state deserves to be closed. Let's look what will happen first :)
Just upvoted your answer, but wanted to point out that it depends on *how* scalable the website needs to be. Obviously, if the answer is "Google-scale," you CAN go wrong with "relational."Horrible question though...
Matt Miller

This is a little too open ended. A little information about your business problem would be required to understand what you're after.

Chris Stewart

I agree with the others - I can't tell you much without knowing more specifics about what you're trying to model. The only real piece of advice I can give is to normalize your database. You might also look into table partitioning if you're really concerned about scaling.

Brad Gignac

if you said what is your Project and what Object you have(and relation ) then maybe can help you? you ask a general question.

+2  A: 

If you need a database that is flexible and scalable, I suggest you hire a dba to design it. Scalabity and flexibility require an expert designer.