There isn't any way for the geocoder to let you know if it thinks you had a typo. I agree with Saul's answer, that your best bet is to check your query against the response.
I just wanted to point out that you'll have to check several elements of your input against several of the response values, in order to find the elements that should match up. In this case, "Beaverton" was found inside of "DependentLocalityName".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<kml xmlns=""><Response>
<name>Beverton, Ontario, Canada</name>
<Placemark id="p1">
<address>Beaverton, Brock, ON, Canada</address>
<AddressDetails Accuracy="4" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0"><Country><CountryNameCode>CA</CountryNameCode><CountryName>Canada</CountryName><AdministrativeArea><AdministrativeAreaName>ON</AdministrativeAreaName><SubAdministrativeArea><SubAdministrativeAreaName>Durham Regional Municipality</SubAdministrativeAreaName><Locality><LocalityName>Brock</LocalityName><DependentLocality><DependentLocalityName>Beaverton</DependentLocalityName></DependentLocality></Locality></SubAdministrativeArea></AdministrativeArea></Country></AddressDetails>
<LatLonBox north="44.4502166" south="44.4183470" east="-79.1199562" west="-79.1839858" />
This may be impossible to actually implement. If your input is "Beverton, Ontario, Canada", how do you know which of those three words to check for? Two of them will match up just fine. What if they're entered in a different order?