




Hi every one,

I am developing an iPhone application where i want to display three image in each row on scroll view where i need to click action on each image like Photo album in iPhone. I am not getting any sample code.

Hoping for help



There's plenty of sample code out there, I found this after only basic googling. You want to search for "UIImageView Iphone". It's also worth mentioning that Apple's very own Developer Center is extremely well written, and will teach you everything you need to know about iPhone programming.

Generally it is frowned down upon to say to look more or read documentation, but you really haven't looked at all. Especially because of Apple's own resource that tells you how to do almost anything, especially something like this. It's not something you can pick up and bits and pieces of and expect to be successful with, it really should be learned starting from the beginning and moving forward. This is especially true if you've never programmed before or are unfamiliar with C/Objective-C.


Three20 has a photo browser that is open source and works similarly to the iPhone's photo browser with some nice code examples. The images come from an image source object that can relate them to images in your apps bundle or images on the web. Looks like its Google group is here. I think that to use images in your bundle you use a URL formed like: bundle://image-name.png and not the typical use of the main bundle to get a path to resource.


Thanx for reply,

Now image is showing on scroll view but i am not able to perform touch action on image.I want to display full image in another view based on touch action on image The step i have follow is 1. creating View 2. Putting scroll view control on View from IB.(Drag and drop) 3. Using UIImageView control programmatically for image. 4 using touchBegin for touch action setting userInteractionEnabled YES but not performing touch


hi I am stuck with the work. Please reply me soon. I would appreciate your help. subodh