




Hi i've got 2 data tables (bannedlist,countrylist), both contains list of country names and cods in columns cc and country. I am trying to do a query where i can select countries from countrylist table that are not in bannedlist table in order to create a 3rd table.

Any ideas?

I haven't got too far with this.

        var ccList = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable(); 
        var bannedCCList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable();
        var query = from r in ccList....


after trying

var bannedCCList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable();
    var query = from r in ccList where !bannedCCList.Any(b => b["cc"] == r["cc"])select r;

i still get same country list. banned ones haven't been removed. here is more detail in order to explain more. not sure what i am doing wrong

 protected void BindCountryBan(string subd)
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    ds = new DB().CountryBan_GetSiteSettings();

        BannedCountryListBox.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];
        BannedCountryListBox.DataValueField = "cc";
        BannedCountryListBox.DataTextField = "country";

//bind country list
    var ccList = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable(); 
    var bannedCCList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable();
    var query = from r in ccList where !bannedCCList.Any(b => b["cc"] == r["cc"])select r;
    //var query = ccList.Except(bannedCCList); 

    //CountryListBox.DataSource = ds.Tables[2];
    DataTable boundTable = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();
    CountryListBox.DataSource = boundTable;
    CountryListBox.DataValueField = "cc";
    CountryListBox.DataTextField = "country";
+2  A: 

Try this:

var query = ccList.Except(bannedCCList);
there is no such method, am i doing something wrong?
You will need:using System.Linq;
when i bind query to a listbox all i get is System.Data.DataRow looks like im again doing something wrong
ok i have converted it to datatable with DataTable boundTable = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();but im not usure it is the best way
+2  A: 

You can use the Except() LINQ extension method like this:

var result = full.Except(banned);

However this will work fine with the default comparer of the contained type. Thus if you want to use a specific column like in your example, you might need another approach like:

from r in ccList
where !bannedCCList.Any(b => b["cc"] == r["cc"])
select r;

Using Except() implies the references are the same in both collections, which I think is not the case with Tables, or correct me if I'm wrong.

Sébastien Ros
+3  A: 

Except would work if you use it on sequences of the countries:

using System.Linq;

    var ccList = from c in ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable()
                 select c.Field<string>("Country"); 
    var bannedCCList = from c in ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable()
                       select c.Field<string>("Country");
    var exceptBanned = ccList.Except(bannedCCList);

If you need the full rows where the countries aren't banned, you could try a left outer join:

    var ccList = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable();
    var bannedCCList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable();
    var exceptBanned = from c in ccList
                       join b in bannedCCList
                         on c.Field<string>("Country") equals b.Field<string>("Country") into j
                       from x in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       where x == null
                       select c;
Thanks! your left outer join works as i expected, one more question if you would. Please see my note on Meta-Knight's answer. I managed to bind result to listbox by converting queryresult to table. Is there any better way to bind?
Try setting the ListBox's DataTextField and DataValueField values to the names of the fields you want bound. You shouldn't need to copy to a table.