Behold, FuglyHackThatWillWorkForYourExampleButICantPromiseAnythingElse:
orig_spam = spam.func_closure[0].cell_contents
Edit: For functions/methods decorated more than once and with more complicated decorators you can try using the following code. It relies on the fact, that decorated functions are __name__d differently than the original function.
def search_for_orig(decorated, orig_name):
for obj in (c.cell_contents for c in decorated.__closure__):
if hasattr(obj, "__name__") and obj.__name__ == orig_name:
return obj
if hasattr(obj, "__closure__") and obj.__closure__:
found = search_for_orig(obj, orig_name)
if found:
return found
return None
>>> search_for_orig(spam, "spam")
<function spam at 0x027ACD70>
It's not fool proof though. It will fail if the name of the function returned from a decorator is the same as the decorated one. The order of hasattr() checks is also a heuristic, there are decoration chains that return wrong results in any case.