




Any suggestions on how I should approach this? Thanks.

+3  A: 

Take a look at this VB to C# Comparison chart for some of the syntax and keyword differences.

+2  A: 

I have to do this often - and my biggest hang-up is the semi-colon. Never fails that my first few days of writing VB after a longer stint of C# coding, the VB compiler is always barking at me for putting a semi-colon on every line of VB code.

Other than that, it shouldn't be too painful. If you're fluent in C#, moving to VB might be stressful for the first few days, but after that you should be smooth sailing.

Code converter tools come in handy to help you remember/learn/re-learn all of those odd syntax differences that you forget easily. The one I normally turn to first is http://converter.telerik.com/ - and if that won't do the trick, a quick google search for code converters will turn up a handful of other good ones.

Another pain point that I've had in the past too is Snippets. Snippets in C# rock - but in VB rock a bit less. Get to know the differences between those and life will be much easier. (Come on VB team - get that enter key working like the C# snippet team has it...)

Scott Ivey
Heh, absolutely. My pinkie finger is so trained to hit the semi-colon I accidentally end many sentences with one rather than a period.
William Edmondson
yep - that's exactly my problem too;
Scott Ivey
+1  A: 

Aside from revulsion and horror I recommend (from experience - ugh) to just start. Build a simple app. The magic is in the experience. It doesn't make sense until you have spent lots of time trying to figure out why something doesn't work.

William Edmondson
+2  A: 

I went the other way (VB to C#) and found the syntax to be so similar that the transition was painless. I can now pretty much program in either platform – thanks a lot to the IDE intellisense.


It's not as difficult as it seems at first. Took me about a month from going strictly C++\C# to VB to get comfortable.


If you are familiar with programing you should just have to learn the syntax...why would anyone want to go from C# to VB? who knows :)

+1  A: 

A good C# to VB.NET converter will help.

Don't use these! I've had to fix more problems generated by these than I like to remember. Use your brain instead.
Greg D
@Greg - converters are your friend as long as you use the converter to learn the differences in the syntax, not to write all your code for you.
Scott Ivey

My first question would be 'Why?'. I'd like to think that you can pretty much get the same thing done with either C# or VB.Net. Given that it's managed code, why not just leave them as they are?

Let's just assume you have your reasons :)

1) There are a couple of tools that will do this (see http://www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/csharp-to-vb/ for a sample).
2) The other option is to manually convert the code, compile, fix errors, and repeat. Painful.

Scott Ivey

It's a pretty straight-forward thing, actually. VB.Net is a perfectly good (if, imo, verbose) language with most of the expressiveness you've grown accustomed to in C#. Just be aware that certain specific keywords are different and that you've got a different background culture and you'll do fine.

Greg D
+1  A: 

Take advantage of the "With" statement! One of my favorite parts of VB.NET.


You can also use a tool like CodeRush from DevExpress (no affiliation). The short-cut keys for any operation are the same for both languages and will produce the correct output for the language.

For example: key combo "mv" yields:

In C#

public void MethodName ()



Public Sub MethodName()

End Sub

Use XML literals and marvel how resentful fellow C# programmers suddenly are.

Martin Liversage

There were some useful articles in Visual Studio magazine back in Jan 2008.
