




Any recommendations on good books to read about the coming .NET framework? Books that cover new features of the framework and new language syntax for C#. Thanks.

+3  A: 

Due to the very fact that the .NET Framework has not yet had it's final release, actual books on it have yet to surface, however, I notice that there is:

Introducing .NET 4.0: with Visual Studio 2010

set to be released soon. Obviously, from the title it should be very specific to the v4.0 framework. The author (Alex Mackey) has a page on his own site about this forthcoming title. That can be found here:


There are also new editions of previous books, such as:

Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4.0 Platform by Andrew Troelsen
Programming C# 4.0 by Jesse Liberty (and others)

I have two previous editions of Andrew's book (one for VS 2005 / .NET 2.0 and one for VS 2008 / .NET 3.5) and, assuming this new edition is up to the same quality standards as previous editions, I can thoroughly recommend it. Although, if you yourself have any previous editions, there's likely to be a lot of overlap (as there was with the 2005/2008 editions).

If you're after something to read right now, there's a number of articles and white papers available online:

ASP.NET 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010 Web Development Beta 1 Overview
Dublin & .NET Framework 4.0 (HTML Version)
What's New in the BCL in .NET 4 Beta 1

It's such a pain that all the recommended books cannot be found on Safari books online. Thank you very much. I'll get some hard copies from Amazon then.
+2  A: 

You may also want to take a look at the draft of the language specification for C# 4.0.

Brian Rasmussen
Good idea. Thank you.
+4  A: 

I guess I might as well plug my own...

C# in Depth 2nd edition will include C# 4.0.

Oh, and there will also be C# 4.0 in a Nutshell which I expect to be good.

Jon Skeet
Seriously John, where do you find the time? I've been signed up to your feed for a few days now and I don't even have time to read all your posts.. let alone write those answers AND write a book AND work for Google. I know this whole Skeet joke thing, but I am seriously beginning to think you are actualy some kind of relentless C# cyborg. Unbelievable.
If I was MS, I would hire him, just to help other people :)
Joan Venge
Thank you, Jon. I'm subscribing to Safari Books online but cannot find your book there.
The 2nd edition probably isn't there yet (even as a placeholder), but the first edition should be.
Jon Skeet
+1  A: 

And the one to look out for will be J Richters 3rd Edition of CLR via C#:



Nick Robinson