There is a reference table that shows the execution cost of every php function?
I know that the time execution is boundet to many factors and is impossible to determinate an unique value, but im looking for a 'ideological' table.
For example,
is_dir() = cost 3
is_file() = cost 2
(take it JUST as an example ;)
If i dont remember bad, for C there is a table with cpu cycles needed to every operation..
EDIT: i read all you comment, and so there are any table for my needs.
Anyway, i know that
is_dir('/');//is faster than
But, i have some trouble to accept this situation (that, if i have understood right your words, is possible);
$a = '/';
$b = '/a/very/long/path/to/check/';
is_dir($a); //time execution 0.003
is_file($a); //time execution 0.005
//so suppose is_dir is faster than is_file
//(still example, function names and number are random ;)
is_dir($b); //time execution 0.013
is_file($b); //time execution 0.009
//wow, now is faster is_file()....?