



After reading (yet another) post by Jeff more or less concluding that us mortal developers shouldn't be getting too involved with encryption, I'm left wondering what library I should be using. The only two libraries I've found that seem legitimate are entlib's and bouncycastle, but they don't seem much more of an abstraction than the .NET crypto APIs to me.

I guess what I'm wondering is if there is a "jQuery of crypto libraries" that is simple, widely-trusted, open and well documented.

+3  A: 

Bouncy Castle seems to be pretty widely respected

Jon Galloway
+6  A: 

The Bouncy Castle library is indeed a well respected, and mature encryption library, but what's wrong with using many of the fantastic encryption functions that are built right into the .NET framework?

System.Security.Cryptography Namespace

In my experience, these implementations are rock-solid, provide numerous options (for example: you've usually got a Crypto API, CNG and Managed implementations of each algorithm to choose from) , and you're not going to "get it wrong", since you're only using the implementation. If you're slightly worried that you might use them incorrectly, you can always follow MSDN's own example code.

I think the article (and their predecessors) I linked to gives compelling enough reasons as to why the majority of us developers should probably not get too carried away using that namespace. So I guess that's all to say I'm just going off what sounds like good advice.
You link to an example rijndael implementation, but that puts a decision on me to decide between all the different algorithms. I would prefer an abstraction that gave me methods like EncryptStringForBrowser() (an example given by Jeff) so that an expert can decide to use rijndael or aes under the hood.
@jayrdub - I see what you're saying about abstraction, but I don't think a complete full layer of extra code (as per a 3rd party lib like BC) is necessary. You don't want to implement it yourself for good reason, and you don't want to "misuse" the implementation and weaken security. All good things, but I think this can easily be achieved with the framework's built-in classes and the example code on MSDN. The example there gives a "encryptStringToBytes" style function that makes it a "no-brainer" to use for strings without weakening security.
(continued).. As for the onus being on yourself to decide which algorithm to choose, well, Rijndael is the Advanced Encryption Standard and is pretty solid, and choosing between the CryptoAPI/CNG/Managed implementations should be largely a matter of speed, performance, availability of the CNG libs etc. rather than security since they are all the same algorithm. I do agree with you regarding a certain level of abstraction to prevent us mere mortals from screwing it up, but at the same time, *too much* abstraction (using something without knowing *at all* what it's doing) can be a bad thing!
+2  A: 

You have completely misunderstood the maxim "do not implement encryption routines yourself". What this means is: do not roll your own RSA/DSA/whatever encryption algorithm. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't use one written by someone who knows what they are doing. In fact, if anything, adding more layers between you and the trusted algorithm is going to hurt you, and not the reverse.

Jon Grant
I agree with that.
Sam Saffron
It also means "don't make up your own algorithm". The approach of "I can't see how I'd break it so I can't see how anybody else would" does not give you security.
Steve Gilham
I don't disagree, I'm just trying to get a grasp on whether or not there is some awesome library out there that I've missed out on because of the way Jeff discusses trying to avoid using .NET's API in favor of "a proven, domain-expert-tested set of code that thousands if not millions of developers already rely on". I'm getting the feeling there isn't (besides maybe the two I mentioned).

EntLib Cryptography block works well for most of encryption/hashing needs.
