




This is a multi ColdFusion configured server with cf7 and cf8 and the jrun located in the main C:\ .

After editing the JVM.config and increasing the memory size to Xms1024m Xmx1024m and GC to XX:MaxPermSize=256m, and then restarting.

I am unable to get any of my sites to load in the browser. One gives me a 404 and the other gives me an ACL 403 (Access Denied). If I try browse the site with the 403 to a subdirectory (ex.http://site.com/folder), I see the CFML code. If I do the same with the site giving me the 404, I get The request is not supported.

This server originally had CF7 and then CF8 was installed in Multiserver Config. I can get to the CF8 Admin on port 8300 but nothing on port 80 with IIS.

I returned the JVM.config file back to its default by taking the back up file and restoring to the directory, but that didn't work.


These are guesses, but...

  1. Has "index.cfm" been removed from the list of default documents?
  2. Perhaps the CF connector needs to be re-run.
Al Everett
Thanks Everett for responding. The index.cfm is still there as a list of default documents but the error still occurs. How would I go about restarting CF Connector without restarting CF server?
The connector option is usually available in the CF start menu group.
Peter Boughton
Thanks Peter, is this the connector that is in the bin directory of the ColdFusion root.
+1  A: 

Ok, So I solved the issue. The issue was that the Server orignally used a Multiserver configuration because CF 7 and CF 8 are both installed on the machines. When I looked at the MultiServer Configuration for CF 8, everything seemed correct. However, when I looked at the Single Server CF 8 configuration there was no configuration. Although the this type of scenario worked worked prior, I decided to add configurations to the Single CF 8 configuration and both sites came up.

You should accept your answer (which you can do after it's been 48 hours)
Adam Tuttle