Hi, First of all let me thank those people that answered my previous questions. You guys are Awesome!!!
Here is my question: I like to query my sql server Stored procedure and return a datareader. However I want to create a Table out of it. That table I will use to load excel using the new Powershell OpenXML commandlets. The code fails when I try to build the DataTable. I don't think I am loding the new-object "System.Object[]" correctly. Here is what I got so far:
$sqlConnection = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection "server=localhost;database=Demo;Integrated Security=sspi"
#Create a command object
$sqlCommand = $sqlConnection.CreateCommand()
$sqlCommand.CommandText = "EXEC Demo.usp_GetTableValueParameter_Data"
#Execute the Command
$sqlReader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
#Parse the records
$sqlReader | &{ begin{$values = new-object "System.Object[]" $sqlReader["Name"], $sqlReader["Level_Desc"], $sqlReader["Level"]} process {$_.GetValues($values); $datatable.Rows.Add($values)}}
##$datatable | format-table -autosize
# Close the database connection
$xlsFile = "C:\Temp\Data.xlsx"
$datatable | Export-OpenXmlSpreadSheet -OutputPath $xlsFile -InitialRow 3