I have an designated initializer with optional arguments (similar to the following code), and I want to create an autorelease method by calling it. Is there any way to do this?
@interface MyObject : NSObject
- (id)initWithArgs:(id)firstArg, ...;
+ (id)objectWithArgs:(id)firstArg, ...;
@implementation MyObject
- (id)initWithArgs:(id)firstArg, ...
if (!firstArg || ![super init]) {
return nil
va_list argList;
va_start(argList, firstArg);
id currentObject = firstArg;
do {
NSLog(@"%@", currentObject);
} while ((currentObject = va_arg(argList, id)) != nil);
return self;
+ (id)objectWithArgs:(id)firstArg, ...
// return [[[MyObject alloc] initWithArgs:firstArg, ...] autorelease];