I have an Article object with the following properties:
- Article Name (varchar)
- Article Body (varchar)
- Article Tags (varchar)
The Article Tags is a space delimited string of text values that a user has tagged the aritlce with. The 3 properties are passed to a stored procedure.
I now want to do the following:
1) Insert the Article Name and Article Body in the dbo.Articles table and return the article id
2) Insert each value of the Article Tags string in the dbo.Tags table as a separate row but first check for duplicates. If duplicate then return the tagid of existing record, if new record then return the new tagid
3) insert the article id and each tagid as a separate row in the dbo.TagMap table
I need to know the best approach to how I would accomplish this, also being conscious that it does not cost too much in performance.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.