The below code does not fully disable the sortables on the start event. It will add the classes "ui-sortable-disabled" and "ui-state-disabled" to the sortable elements, but it doesn't disable the functionality - in other words, the sortables look disabled, but they still accept the dragged item and behave like they are enabled.
var assignedSortables;
var startDrag = function(event, ui) {
assignedSortables.each(function() {$(this).sortable('disable');});
var stopDrag = function(event, ui) {
assignedSortables.each(function() {$(this).sortable('enable');});
assignedSortables = $(".my-sortable-containers").sortable({
connectWith: '.my-sortable-containers',
start: startDrag,
stop: stopDrag
The reason I want to do this is on drag start is because I might need to disable other connected sortables that already contain the item being dragged (I stripped out the logic in order to simplify). Is this a bug or is there a way around it?