i guess my .NET application needs to be signed or something. how do i get rid of that prompt unknown publisher when someone tries to install my app?
If it's the prompt I'm thinking of, you'd start by getting a certificate from someone like Verisign and use their certificate to sign your assembly.
You may be able to do a self-signed assembly using the information from these pages:
I'd recommnd reading up and going from there.
David Stratton
2009-07-27 23:16:02
how much would it cost for verisign to do it?
2009-07-28 01:27:36
It's not cheap. Here is the link to their site where you can view the different prices.http://www.verisign.com/code-signing/index.html?sl-hppd
David Stratton
2009-07-28 01:43:15