




I have a Spotlight source in OpenGL, pointing towards a texture mapped sphere.

I rotate the lightsource with the sphere, such that if I rotate the sphere to the 'non-light' side, that side should be dark.

The odd part is, the spotlight seems to be shining through my sphere (it's a solid, no gaps between triangles. The light seems to be 'leaking' through to the other side.

Any thoughts on why this is happening?


Front view, low light to emphasize the problem

Back view, notice the round area that is 'shining through'

+1  A: 

Its really hard to tell from the images, but:

Check if GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE is being set (two sided lighting), but more importantly have a look at the normals of the sphere you are rendering.

Edit: Also - change the background colour to something lighter. Oh and make sure you aren't rendering with alpha blending turned on (maybe its a polygon sorting issue).

+1  A: 

OK, I'm a nob - I was specifying my normals, but not calling glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY). Hence all normals were facing one direction (I think that's the default, no?)

Anyway - a lesson learned - always go back over the basics.
