



About 6 moths ago I switched to fulltime freelance job. Before that I worked in enterprise environment with highly professional craftsmen :)

I'm striving in improving my skills in Object Oriented Design and software architecture.

I read lots of books about OOD, T.D.D., patterns(implementation, design, architectural). I like to research interesting open-source projects with beautiful design.

The only problem I have is that I don't have enough feedback on my code.

Recently I've started to participating in some small Open source PEAR project, my patches were accepted, but I don't think it is very quality/useful feedback.

I'm not a fun of because it can be useful only for implementation patterns or some small refactorings, which is not what I mostly need.

My ideas:

  • choose very hard task at some open source project, so it won't be so easy for your patches to be accepted.
  • Take my laptop and go to familiar developers, which I appreciate in that desired area to ask what they about my code.

What do you think about it?

What should I do to solve this problem?

+3  A: 

You could start an online community about it to rival

Try making some good contacts online who would look at your code. Otherwise, try asking your real life friends to do it, though this probably won't get too much response as they'll be busy.

+1 for starting such a community.
Esko Luontola
+1 from me for this too. Could have a site where professionals could post bios/resumes. Then you could create a network of those professionals where you could share projects or code for review.
+1  A: 

Pay another freelancer/consultant better than you to look at your code. You can't expect people to give away their valuable time for free. Time is money, afterall.

It's interesting ) Thanks for your point
Fedyashev Nikita
I wouldn't let someone pay me to help them become a better programmer. It's in my best interest to donate my time to them.
Well then why don't you tell him how to find people like you?
He can contact me pretty easily through here... :)
+1  A: 
Norman Ramsey
I would only disagree with the part about finding someone who is at your own level. Two people who don't know what they are doing isn't going to create a single person who does. One of the people need to have a higher level of knowledge for that to work.
No two coders are going to have the same knowledge set, as they've both worked on their own projects and learned their own things. I've found these are the most valuable kinds of friends to have, because as they learn things, they usually discuss them with you, and you learn things too.
Writing code bears this similarity to technical writing: you can easily spot mistakes in your partner's code that you have a hard time finding in your own. If the disparity in experience is too great, there won't be enough in it for the senior partner, and the partnership won't flourish.
Norman Ramsey