




I'd like to get some suggestions about the following scenario.

I have a WinForms application which connects to a SQL Sever 2005 (Express) database hosted in a server located in the same LAN than the clients. Now I need to provide a web interface for intranet/internet usage. I think that the Intranet part won't be a problem because the ASP.NET MVC application will connect to the same database than the WinForms application. Everything will run on the same network.

The problem is related to the Internet part. I think most users of this application won't want to give access to the server directly from the Internet, so I'll need to host the web application in some external server. In this case, what's the best approach to allow the web app, which will be hosted in a server from a hosting provider, to access data.

I guess I'll need to somehow sync both databases, but what are my options? The data presented by the web app doesn't need to be totally up to date, a few hours of delay is acceptable.

Another constraint is that I will have limited access to the user's infrastructure, so no way to touch their routers, firewalls, etc.

Thanks in advance.


Sql server Replication

The main database server is running SQL Server Express Edition which can only act as a subscriber.