


+4  Q: 

jQuery Charting

Can anybody suggest nice cross browser jQuery API plugin for developing Chart application

except like

The API should be customizible.I want to integrate it in ASP.NET. (ofcourse ASP.NET 3.5 comes with inbuilt Chart control,I want some nice jQuery Plugins).

+7  A: 

I've used these with success (customizable, cross-browser, etc):

Others I've come across:

google much?
Actually had these delicious'd
@brianng. How does jQPlot compare with Flot? Which would you use if you started a new project today?
Thanks for info.
@nosredna Ever since I used jQPlot, I've used it exclusively. I like the extensibility and great documentation. At the end of the day, it's about being able to create the graphs that I've needed and jQPlot has worked out better for my projects. HTH :)
Will it supports even mobile browsers?
@rengaseshan I've only tested it in the iPhone (which worked fine), not sure about the others.
if i am not so inquisitive ,is it possible to get iPhone simulator somewhere for testing purpose?
There are a bunch of lame online iPhone simulators. Aptana used to have a reasonable one but it's been deprecated.
+1 jqplot is the new hotness.
+1  A: 

I've used Flot. It's open source using the MIT license, so you can do what you like to the API.

As for cross browser, I used it under all the major browers. There was a bug with Opera on filled charts, but that was an Opera canvas bug and it was fixed over a year ago. For IE, flot uses excanvas.

Thanks Nosredna.Really useful.My major development will target IE 6+.

One option is jquery-visualize, which graphs data from a regular HTML table, so it degrades nicely without javascript

Some examples, and an article about it:

Accessible data visualization in HTML has always been tricky to achieve, particularly because elements such as images allow only the most basic features for providing textual information to non-visual users. A while back, we wrote an article describing a technique we came up with to use JavaScript to scrape data from an HTML table and generate charts using the HTML 5 Canvas element. The technique is particularly useful because the data for the visualization already exists in the page in structured tabular format, making it accessible to people who browse the web with a screen reader or other assistive technology.
