I have this code:
using ( var site = new SPSite( myUrl ) ) {
using ( var web = site.AllWebs[0] ) {
// read-only operations
The "myUrl" is top domain url with WSS 3.0. The authentication is set to Windows. If I run this code from command-line under "external_app_user" account, all is fine. But if I run this code from webservice (outside of WSS webapplication), then result is http response "401 UNAUTHORIZED" instead of SOAP response. It's odd, because this code is in "try-catch" block, and if is any excception thrown I returned own error message in SOAP response.
The code is running on the same machine as WSS.
If I run the webservice from webbroser on the machine where web service is running, the classic windows login form is shown. If I run the webservice from webbrowser on another computer, I get only "401 UNAUTHORIZED" http response.
The web service is running under correct account. This account has access to the WSS (tested via sharepoint website). If i try get "System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name" the correct username is returned.
In web.config is set "<identity impersonate="true" userName="_my_username_" password="_my_password_" />.
Anyone has idea what is wrong?