hiii I am developing a window application in which I am showing a web page using c# .net browser. since my web page is quite heavy and its taking time to load . so i want to show loading image while navigating a web page .so tell me how should i do .
It may sound overly simple, but it might be the easiest solution to just add an image control with an animated bitmap to the form at runtime when the page starts loading. Once it's done, just hide the image again. This would also give you the flexability to display any messages you want and add effects/transitions to make it aesthetically pleasing.
I assume that you are using the WebBrowser wrapper, is that correct? You can use the ProgressChanged and/or Navigating + DocumentCompleted events.
As an asside: Depending on the nature of your application you could pre-download parts of the page to improve the user’s pereption of the app’s responsiveness.
Only since you asked so nicely.
You could just do this by monitoring both the navigating and the documentcompleted events of the webbrowser control. (Im sure you can fill in the blanks here).
Be sure when you use the documentcompleted event that you check the readystate :
theBrowser.ReadyState == WebBrowserReadyState.Complete
Otherwise the documentcompleted event will fire multiple times even before the entire page has loaded.