



I carry my laptop with my projects and db's, some of them may contain some sensitive data, i to know how to encrypt some folders, i've just downloaded androsa file protector, but it's too slow, with over 60.000 files and several GB's of data it takes forever, someone know something faster??

+2  A: 

Check out TrueCrypt, it's cross-platform, fast enough, industry-proven standards, etc. Plausible deniability is a good feature of it too.

Mark Rushakoff
Yes, until you try to cross the border with it ( :-)
That's precisely the point of plausible deniability. They ask you for a password, you tell them the "fake" one that just has a couple boring text files or whatever on it.
Mark Rushakoff
Indeed. And after you tell them the fake one they seize your laptop. Plausible deniability only works in theory, sadly. Mind you, I use TrueCrypt myself and I up-voted your answer - I'm just pointing out that it's not a solution to all life's problems.