



Dear All

I am an SQL newbie,

I am having an excel sheet in which the first row contains title for all the columns. I want to all the names in the first row.


What is the SQL command for - reading all the entries in the first row? If possible, I want to define the max-limit.

Addition: What I want is, "Enumerate all the column names"

Thank you

+3  A: 

You need to mention "HDR=No;" in your connection string. Then you can use the following query:

Select Top 1 * from [SheetName$]

"HDR=No" will specify that the first row DOES NOT contains the column names.

Being said that, I don't know if there is a SQL statement to get the column names from a table. If there is, then you can have HDR=Yes in the connection string and use that SQL statement.

+1  A: 

Select Top 1 * into #temp from [SheetName$]

use tempdb

sp_help #temp.

by this you can get the column names of the #temp table.

again you have to change the DB to

use yourDBName

Put the data in a temp table and read the properties of the temp table and from that you can get the list of column names.

+1  A: 

I hope I'm understanding this right....but I think you're saying that you want to select the column names from a table:

Lloyd McFarlin
+1 thank you, @Lloyd Can I use sheetname instead of table_name
It looks to me like I may have actually not understood this after all. I gave you the command to do this in SQL Server. It looks like several of us were under the impression that this was an SQL question. VBA seems more appropriate here and it looks like Remou is already taking you down the right track there.
Lloyd McFarlin
+2  A: 

This works for me in Excel using a saved workbook, and it enumerates the column (field) names.

Sub ListFieldADO()

    strFile = Workbooks(1).FullName
    strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFile _
        & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"

    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    cn.Open strCon

    ''You can also use the name of a named range
    Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaColumns, _
        Array(Empty, Empty, "Sheet1$")) 
    While Not rs.EOF
        Debug.Print "     " & rs!Column_Name

    Set rs = Nothing
End Sub