



I have a method which accepts an ObjectQuery and adds Where clauses to it depending on whether it receives values for various filter parameters. The method has to return an ObjectQuery. How can i do a basic Date comparison e.g. where dateX < dateY.

This is my current code:

if (myDateFilter != null)
    query = query.Where(
            "it.ExpireDate < cast('{0}' as System.DateTime)",

With myDateFilter having a value of DateTime.Now, this code says: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.

All the other paramaters are string or integer filters so weren't a problem to implement. Any ideas??


You will have to know the format that the user input the data. Take a look at the DateTime.Parse and ParseExact functions.

You can use them to parse any input string to a valid datetime if you know the format. There are some culture invariants as well.

A good protection against this is to always format the date from a DateTimePicker, etc to use the long format ( YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS ). There is a format string to tell .Net to do that, but I can't remember it right now.

If you are accepting the strings from user input you will have to take the CurrentCulture into account (same link above has help).

Jason Short

Hi all,

Thanks for your was actually me being an idiot, and visual studio being annoying!

I had created the .dbml file in a deep sub folder, therefore the class that was created was called something stupid like .folder1.folder2.folder3 etc and in my aspx file I had included that namespace....

Very annoying that visual studio creates these default namespaces!

Thanks again higgsy

i think you posted in the wrong thread