




What are some good books on computer networks that cover complicated subjects in simple and understandable manner?

Stackoverflow has many "questions on books" but never has anything about computer networks.
Most of them are either programming in ____ language or how to do software engineering properly and efficiently

I'm creating this wiki to see what are some highly recommended computer networks books that everyone should read now that the trend is shifting to the web, which requires at least basic knowledge on computer networks.

So far, I have found:

+2  A: 

Internetworking with TCP/IP by Comer is very good at describing how networks actually function, without the programming aspect. I'm not sure if it's still in print (if not it'll be quite dated) but the principles remain sound.

Richard Steven's classic Unix Network Programming is the bible for understanding TCP/IP and the programming thereof.

His three-volume TCP/IP Illustrated (see above link) is similarly vital.

Brian Agnew
+1  A: 

Although not purely about networking, the most accessible and helpful networking discussion I ever read was the 100 or so pages in Hacking:The Art of Exploitation by Jon Erickson. Don't be put off by the script kiddie title; it has extremely clear, step by step examples that explore the fundamentals of the OSI model at each layer, and is full of pointers to more in depth literature.

Yes, hacking in network level is awesome.

Tanenbaum is a real good choice for the basics. But it's quite academic, which may not always be what one is looking for. On the topic of network programming I really liked Beej's Guide to Network Programming that is available as a book, too.


If you are looking for an intro try Head First Networking - I have to say that I normally don't like Head First books but this one is very odd - it has stuff about using oscilloscopes and network analysers! Not perfect but worth a look.

+2  A: 

I have read both books you mentioned and a few others. My favorite is Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by Kurose and Ross, for me this is the best book on networks out there. Highly recommendable.

Jahanzeb Farooq