I'm trying to restart the service from a remote machine. Here is my code. The problem is that I need to enter startinfo.filename = "sc.exe"
since I'm putting "start /wait sc"
this is causing an error. Here is my code, any thoughts. Also if anyone has any idea how to keep the cmd window open after this is ran so I could see the code that was ran that would be awesome.
string strCommandStop1;
string strCommandStop2;
string strCommandStart1;
string strCommandStart2;
string strServer = "\\" + txtServerName.Text;
string strDb1 = "SqlAgent$" + txtInsName.Text;
string strDb2 = "MSSQL$" + txtInsName.Text;
strCommandStop1 = @"start /wait sc " + strServer + " Stop " + strDb1;
strCommandStop2 = @"start /wait sc " + strServer + " Stop " + strDb2;
strCommandStart1 = @"start /wait sc " + strServer + " Start " + strDb2;
strCommandStart2 = @"start /wait sc " + strServer + " Start " + strDb1;
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
startInfo.Arguments = strCommandStop1;
startInfo.Arguments = strCommandStop2;
startInfo.Arguments = strCommandStart1;
startInfo.Arguments = strCommandStart2;
startInfo .FileName = "sc.exe";
catch (Exception e)