Does anyone know of a 3rd party component that works like GTSizer? It appears that GenoTechs no longer exists. We have a number of forms in our Delphi/Oracle enterprise application that have the GTSizer component. We have Delphi 2009 to install but GTSizer is not compatible, so we are holding off for now. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
Maybe DevEx's Layout Control does what you need. OTOH, it might be major overkill. :)
Ulrich Gerhardt
2009-08-03 15:49:54
I've been using this one;
procedure ScaleForm(F: TForm; ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight: LongInt) ;
F.Scaled := True;
F.AutoScroll := False;
F.Position := poScreenCenter;
F.Font.Name := 'Arial';
if (Screen.Width <> ScreenWidth) then begin
F.Height :=
LongInt(F.Height) * LongInt(Screen.Height)
div ScreenHeight;
F.Width :=
LongInt(F.Width) * LongInt(Screen.Width)
div ScreenWidth;
F.ScaleBy(Screen.Width,ScreenWidth) ;
Source:, zarko gajic
Ertugrul Tamer Kara
2009-08-03 19:06:34
Link to referenced article:
Scott W
2009-08-03 19:28:10
I use anchors and alignment to handle grids, memos, etc, like GenoTechs shows in their animated example.
I've never been a fan of changing the size of button and edit controls and their fonts based on resizing the window. GTSizer demo.
Bruce McGee
2009-08-04 00:27:29
I use elastic forms, but they haven't updated it for D2009 and I haven't tested it on D2009 yet.
2009-08-04 02:39:13