




Is there any php/java/open source software converters or php libraries that will convert an xls file to a pdf document?

Rundown: Have pre-existing code generating xls spreadsheets (circa 2002-2006, pre open xml version I believe), need to turn them into pdfs for various reasons.

Been searching everywhere including here. I think I just need a bump in the right direction, I'm sure there is something out there already that does it.

+6  A: 

Since PHP is able to execute commands via shell in linux, this could be a good start.

Sepehr Lajevardi
Exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks, will report back when I've tested it out!
welcome, good luck ;)
Sepehr Lajevardi
Had a few network issues with the install.. then I had a few other things todo, will see how things go tomorrow! I think I have to figure out the configs and edit them by hand too.