




When I try to automatically download a file from some webpage using Python, I get Webpage Dialog window (I use IE). The window has two buttons, such as 'Continue' and 'Cancel'. I cannot figure out how to click on the Continue Button. The problem is that I don't know how to control Webpage Dialog with Python. I tried to use winGuiAuto to find the controls of the window, but it fails to recognize any Button type controls... An ideas?


A clarification of my question:

My purpose is to download stock data from a certain web site. I need to perform it for many stocks so I need python to do it for me in a repetitive way. This specific site exports the data by letting me download it in Excel file by clicking a link. However after clicking the link I get a Web Page dialog box asking me if I am sure that I want to download this file. This Web page dialog is my problem - it is not an html page and it is not a regular windows dialog box. It is something else and I cannot configure how to control it with python. It has two buttons and I need to click on one of them (i.e. Continue). It seems like it is a special kind of window implemented in IE. It is distinguished by its title which looks like this: Webpage Dialog -- Download blalblabla. If I click Continue mannually it opens a regular windows dialog box (open,save,cancel) which i know how to handle with winGuiAuto library. Tried to use this library for the Webpage Dialog window with no luck. Tried to recognize the buttons with Autoit Info tool -no luck either. In fact, maybe these are not buttons, but actually links, however I cannot see the links and there is no source code visible... What I need is someone to tell me what this Web page Dialog box is and how to control it with Python. That was my question.


You can't, and you don't want to. When you ask a question, try explaining what you are trying to achieve, and not just the task immediately before you. You are likely barking down the wrong path. There is some other way of doing what you are trying to do.

Lennart Regebro