during design time i cannot figure out how to resize the datagridview columns in vb.net!
You have to:
- Go to the Design view
- Click on the grid
- Select "Edit Columns"
- Add a column
- The new column will be shown in the Edit Columns dialog, go to the Properties part of it and in the layout part of the properties, there's a Width property. Set there the number of pixels that you want to have.
- Click Ok and you'll see the new column with the width you setted.
For bound columns you have to follow a very similar process.
2009-08-05 00:23:48
In Visual Studio 2008 (using C# although I hazzard that VB is the same): Right-click the DataGridView, Edit Columns then foreach column enter the width. Done.
2009-08-05 00:24:00