Consider an interface like
IMyInterface = interface
procedure DoSomethingRelevant;
procedure Load (Stream : TStream);
procedure Save (Stream : TStream);
and several classes that implement the interface:
TImplementingClass1 = class (TInterfacedObject, IMyInterface)
TImplementingClass2 = class (TInterfacedObject, IMyInterface)
I have a class that has a list of IMyInterface implementors:
TMainClass = class
strict private
FItems : TList <IMyInterface>;
procedure LoadFromFile (const FileName : String);
procedure SaveToFile (const FileName : String);
Now to the question: how can I load the main class and especially the item list in an object-oriented manner? Before I can call the virtual Load method for the items, I have to create them and thus have to know their type. In my current implementation I store the number of items and then for each item
- a type identifier (IMyInterface gets an additional GetID function)
- call the Save method of the item
But that means that during loading I have to do something like
ID := Reader.ReadInteger;
case ID of
itClass1 : Item := TImplementingClass1.Create;
itClass2 : Item := TImplementingClass2.Create;
Item.Load (Stream);
But that doesn't seem to be very object-oriented since I have to fiddle with existing code every time I add a new implementor. Is there a better way to handle this situation?