I know I can do this:
IDateTimeFactory dtf = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IDateTimeFactory>();
dtf.Now = new DateTime();
DoStuff(dtf); // dtf.Now can be called arbitrary number of times, will always return the same value
dtf.Now = new DateTime()+new TimeSpan(0,1,0); // 1 minute later
DoStuff(dtf); //ditto from above
What if instead of IDateTimeFactory.Now being a property it is a method IDateTimeFactory.GetNow(), how do I do the same thing?
As per Judah's suggestion below I have rewritten my SetDateTime helper method as follows:
private void SetDateTime(DateTime dt) {
LastCall.Do((Func<DateTime>)delegate() { return dt; });
but it still throws "The result for ICurrentDateTimeFactory.GetNow(); has already been setup." errors.
Plus its still not going to work with a stub....