



Our team is looking to start utilizing a code review tool. I have used many in the past and I am very fond of a few options that are available for SVN.

However, we are using Team Foundation Server for source control and I have found there to be a real lack in options. So far, through searching, I have found SmartBear's Code Collaborator and an open source project

Ideally, there would be a tool like:

that would tie in to TFS. Any suggestions?

+1  A: 

It seems like support for TFS is in the process of being added to Review Board, but it's not there yet. See this thread:

I posted in their google groups forum and it doesn't look like they are anywhere close to integrating into TFS.
Bryan Rowe
Bryan Rowe
+1  A: 

NDepend is very sleek tool for code reviews. It can be used for lot more than just code reviews. While I am not sure about TFS, I do know that it supports NAnt and MSBuild scripts which can be utilized for continuous integration. You can find continuous integration demo here.

+2  A: 

You can have a look at this post explaining of to use NDepend to focus code review on what was changed since the last release:

Dramatically Leverage your Code Reviews

Patrick Smacchia - NDepend dev
This is a cool tool for finding the correct changesets. But it still doesn't get around the fact that there are few options for TFS web based code review tools.
Bryan Rowe
+2  A: 

This isn't really web based (unless you use the TFS web frontend) but this tool looks like it might fit your needs: TeamReview

Ryan Rinaldi
Although it has a super ghetto UI, I think this may be worth trying.
Bryan Rowe
+1  A: 

Code Collaborator looks like the best overall product at this time.

Bryan Rowe
I use it and like it a lot.
Bryan Anderson
+1  A: 

I was able to get TFS and ReviewBoard working.

