Hi everyone. I'm working on a project in Objective-c where I need to work with large quantities of data stored in an NSDictionary (it's around max ~2 gigs in ram). After all the computations that I preform on it, it seems like it would be quicker to save/load the data when needed (versus re-parsing the original file).
So I started to look into saving large amount of data. I've tried using NSKeyedUnarchiver and [NSDictionary writeToFile:atomically:], but both failed with malloc errors (Can not allocate ____ bytes).
I've looked around SO, Apple's Dev forums and Google, but was unable to find anything. I'm wondering if it might be better to create the file bit-by-bit instead of all at once, but I can't anyway to add to an existing file. I'm not completely opposed to saving with a bunch of small files, but I would much rather use one big file.
Edited to include more information: I'm not sure how much overhead NSDictionary gives me, as I don't take all the information from the text files. I have a 1.5 gig file (of which I keep ~1/2), and it turns out to be around 900 megs through 1 gig in ram. There will be some more data that I need to add eventually, but it will be constructed with references to what's already loaded into memory - it shouldn't double the size, but it may come close.
The data is all serial, and could be separated in storage, but needs to all be in memory for execution. I currently have integer/string pairs, and will eventually end up with string/strings pairs (with all the values also being a key for a different set of strings, so the final storage requirements will be the same strings that I currently have, plus a bunch of references).
In the end, I will need to associate ~3 million strings with some other set of strings. However, the only important thing is the relationship between those strings - I could hash all of them, but NSNumber (as NSDictionary needs objects) might give me just as much overhead.