




Hi everyone. I'm working on a project in Objective-c where I need to work with large quantities of data stored in an NSDictionary (it's around max ~2 gigs in ram). After all the computations that I preform on it, it seems like it would be quicker to save/load the data when needed (versus re-parsing the original file).

So I started to look into saving large amount of data. I've tried using NSKeyedUnarchiver and [NSDictionary writeToFile:atomically:], but both failed with malloc errors (Can not allocate ____ bytes).

I've looked around SO, Apple's Dev forums and Google, but was unable to find anything. I'm wondering if it might be better to create the file bit-by-bit instead of all at once, but I can't anyway to add to an existing file. I'm not completely opposed to saving with a bunch of small files, but I would much rather use one big file.


Edited to include more information: I'm not sure how much overhead NSDictionary gives me, as I don't take all the information from the text files. I have a 1.5 gig file (of which I keep ~1/2), and it turns out to be around 900 megs through 1 gig in ram. There will be some more data that I need to add eventually, but it will be constructed with references to what's already loaded into memory - it shouldn't double the size, but it may come close.

The data is all serial, and could be separated in storage, but needs to all be in memory for execution. I currently have integer/string pairs, and will eventually end up with string/strings pairs (with all the values also being a key for a different set of strings, so the final storage requirements will be the same strings that I currently have, plus a bunch of references).

In the end, I will need to associate ~3 million strings with some other set of strings. However, the only important thing is the relationship between those strings - I could hash all of them, but NSNumber (as NSDictionary needs objects) might give me just as much overhead.


If you can, rebuilding your application in 64-bit mode will give you a much larger heap space.

If that's not an option for you, you'll need to create your own data structure and define your own load/save routines that don't allocate as much memory.

Mark Bessey
This is incorrect; your GUI can be 64-bit as of Leopard.
Or rather, part of that was incorrect. ;)
Oops. For some reason u was thinking 64-bit GUI was a 10.6 feature. I've edited my answer.
Mark Bessey

NSDictionary isn't going to give you the scalable storage that you're looking for, at least not for persistence. You should implement your own type of data structure/serialisation process.

Have you considered using an embedded sqllite database? Then you can process the data but perhaps only loading a fragment of the data structure at a time.

Using a sqlite database worked. Thanks!