I was trying to get a Uuid via NtAllocateUuids or simply calling UuidCreateSequential, but Windows wasn't able to get an Ethernet or token-ring hardware address for my laptop. And so, when the system is booting, windows sets the UuidSeed to a random number instead of a given MAC. --> uniqueness is guaranteed only until the system is next restarted.
I was trying to manual set the UuidSeed with NtSetUuidSeed but i was getting a STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error. "Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference" has following remarks: --The token of the calling thread must have an AuthenticationId of SYSTEM_LUID
Is there any way to achieve this from a process, running as Administrator? Something like ImpersonateLoggedOnUser() could work but afaik this is also only accessible as LocalSystem :/
Thx ;)