



What is the best approach to encrypting a SQLite database file in .Net/C#? I'm using sqlite-dotnet2 wrapper.

There are tools like SQLite Encryption Extension and SQLite Crypt, but both are non-free, while my project is under GPL.

The naive approach I thought of using was to let SQLite handle a temporary file, then to encrypt it on program exit, and overwrite (zero-out) the original. The obvious drawback is that if program crashes (and while it is running), the plain text DB is accessible.

Is there a better way to approach this? Can I pass an encrypted stream to the wrapper (instead of using SQLiteConnection.CreateFile) ?

[edit] Maybe I am overthinking this. Is is sufficient to use Password option in the connection string? Would the file be encrypted properly in that case (or is it some weaker protection)?

+4  A: 

I recommend using the System.Data.Sqlite wrapper, which includes encryption. It works great, it's easy to use, and it's a complete ADO.Net implementation. You can get the wrapper from, and the developer describes how to use the encryption on his forum at: Hint - you just set the password property. He also describes how he does the encryption using the Microsoft Crypto API elsewhere in the forum.


This method is not specific to SQLite per se but is a general file encryption suggestion.

(1) Use TrueCrypt (free/opensource) to create an encrypted wrapper file. This file should be larger than the expected max size of your database.

(2) When you mount this file, it will appear as a logical hard drive in you machine.

(3) Keep your sqlite databases in this logical hard drive.

Mount the drive before you are accessing your database via either odbc/jdbc or any other method.

The advantage of doing this is: Even if someone has access to your database password, they can't access the file since it is encrypted. They will need your Truecrypt password to open it.

This is a useful suggestion for a user or admin. However, it is not as helpful when including the encryption feature in a program.
+1  A: 

I would try, it's rewrite of sqlite 3.6.16 in C#, under MIT License. I supose it will be easy to tweak it.

+2  A: 

Take a look at:

It is open source.

You can chek also the code for the wxsqlite3.
