



The question is in the title.

+14  A: 

It doesn't favor one over the other at all. It's just common to use LINQ to SQL examples because they are simpler to setup and deploy, so it's easier to digest the sample code without getting distracted by something which deserves its own learning path.

Rex M
+1  A: 

In my opinion, it doesn't favor it. It's what you see in most examples, because Linq to Sql is the fastest way to get examples up and running. Rails follows the same convention of many examples using features (scaffolding for example) that you would rarely see used in a production site.

Tim Hoolihan
+3  A: 

I agree that it does not favor one over the other. I always assumed that Linq to SQL tended to be used in examples because it was released about a year earlier. Therefore, book writers were more familiar with Linq to SQL and/or felt it was more stable.

I agree with Rex in that it makes more sense, when giving a tutorial about ASP.NET MVC, to keep other technology decisions simple. Since either DAL implementation can be used, it is easiest to teach MVC by using Linq to SQL (the simpler of the two). Linq to SQL is also widely considered to be more light-weight.

I must admit, it would be nice to have more open-source examples of projects using ASP.NET MVC along with Entity Framework. I can tell you that it works fine, because I am using it on one project. However, it can be a bit more difficult to figure out some of the ideosyncrasies. Here is another question that shows some links to examples.

+2  A: 

I think this tendency to use the path of least resistance in example is a diservice to new developers. How many times have you seen an example, with the caveat that it is not production worthy code, with no reason as to why it is not appropriate, or good direction on how to find what is best? Personally, I appreciate longer examples that actually lead me to discover how something should be used are more helpful.

In this particular case, using Linq to Entities would be much more useful, as it is seemingly the future.

Great point, but wouldn't this notion be more appropriate as a comment?

As all the other posters have said - L2S samples are just a lot easier to put together hence you'll see them quoted more. In reality your MVC models may not use L2S directly - they could be hooking up to a separate services tier or some data transfer objects exposed by another system entirely.

Chris W