I hesitate to call myself a beginner, because I think I can do a bit more than the basics. However, I'm not quite where I'm falling down in my designs and the way I'm going about some of my coding.
What I'm looking for is a good (read: long, detailed) set of screencasts/blog entries/tutorials which start from "I've got this idea I want to build" and end at "Code Complete."
I don't have the requisite CS skills to do anything fancy (compilers take a while to build anyway >_<), but definitely something beyond "Hello, World!" I'm thinking somewhere in the range of a CRUD-like desktop app backed my some small database.
I found a similar question to this on this site, which led me to Rob Conery's ASP.Net MVC Storefront project, but this doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. His project went quite a bit over my head.
Are there any similar resources available, but at a more junior level? I'd like to focus on C# if possible, but I think any OO language (C#, VB.Net, Java) would do.