What is the most efficient way to realize php-driven permalinks?
Basically I want to reduce the database accesses to a minimum.
What is the best way to redirect to an id stored in the database?
What is the most efficient way to realize php-driven permalinks?
Basically I want to reduce the database accesses to a minimum.
What is the best way to redirect to an id stored in the database?
Use a simple URL-to-ID map to retrieve the ID based on the URL:
| URL path | ID |
| /foo | 1 |
| /bar | 2 |
| /bar/baz | 3 |
| … | … |
You can use a db ID based url like SO does:
both go to the same place.
This is usually done through some sort of mod_rewrite redirect to your php file from a .htaccess.
RewriteRule ^/questions/([0-9]+)/?.*$ /questions.php?id=$1
The rewrite rule throws away everything after the ID - so you could even go to
And you still reach your destination. You'll want to add the "title slugs" to the actual URL being 'linked' when you generate the links in php - it will improve your Search Engine Friendliness...