




Hi guys,

Here is my scenario.

  • When anonymous user visits site collection's default site, custom login form panel is shown. This form is a webUserControl(.ascx file) that is embeded into page as webpart.

  • Then user enters username and password.

  • When submit button has been clicked, authentication will be handled by code behind of custom login form panel.

Here is my question. How can I call SharePoint's authentication method with the username and password that is entered by user. Simply, I want users to login through my custom login form panel because default windows authentication window is looking really bad.


Considering that you don't want to use the FBA, and want to stick to Windows authentication then your only option is to use LDAP, that will allow you to carry on with the Login Logic of WebPart and with the Windows Authentication.

Refer these links

Link 1

Link 2

It is not the thing that i am looking for. I just need a SharePoint procedure that takes username and password and authenticastes user with credientials.