




I am C# programmer, fairly comfortable with Java syntax and some features. I want to know if a book like CLR via C# exits for Java, something which will give me an in-depth knowledge of the JVM, but still remain high level like CLR via C#.

+3  A: 

There are definitely some good books on the JVM that use code to illustrate what's happening. Check out Programming for the Java(TM) Virtual Machine and for a reference, every Java developer should have the Sun JVM reference book just in case you find yourself wondering what is going on in the JVM when looking at code.

Dylan McClung
it is a 10 years old book...
that doesn't make it irrelevant, it's the same jvm practically
Dylan McClung
+2  A: 

You can start with the official specifications:

both are invaluable as reference


There is a third edition of Java Virtual Machine Specification, somewhere in the net

+1  A: 

JVM Specification: it's here

Nicholas Bayborodin