



I am building a .NET application and considering deploying it through XBAP. This requires that the users have .NET 3.0 - 3.5 installed on their machine. Are there any kind of estimates of how many people have this? As a developer it's really hard to estimate. Any thoughts?

+7  A: 

If you only need .Net 3.0, this comes along with Vista RTM/Server 08, so you can look at those penetration numbers for a guaranteed base. Likewise, Windows 7 will have .Net 3.5 baked in.

But making it a prerequesite to install isn't really a big deal, when the installer is only a few megabytes. See: Scott Hanselman's SmallestDotNet project.

See also: What is the market share for the various .Net framework versions?.

Factor Mystic
+7  A: 

Some thoughts;

  • anybody with Vista will have .NET 3.0 (so WPF) pre-installed
  • anybody with Windows 7 will have .NET 3.5 SP1 pre-installed

Maybe look at these numbers instead

Alternatively, perhaps consider deploying as Silverlight 3? Similar to WPF (although cut-down), but cross-platform and cross-browser. And a very small download.

If you need more than Silverlight, then you might point users (without the required .NET version) at the "client profile"; a smaller download than "full" .NET.

Marc Gravell
Well I need greater privileges then what silverlight can provide. And yet, in numbers... what is the percent of windows xp's users that have .net 3-3.5 installed?
No idea ;-p I'm mainly "corporate", so if I have a pre-requisite I get the network guys to push it out via WSUS ;-p
Marc Gravell
Do you have a problem with installing .NET 3.5 SP1 along with your application?
John Saunders
Well depends on how small the installation is. If the client doesn't have any previous version of .net it might take too much time.
You'd need to assume they have _some_ version of .NET installed, or else ship _some_ version with your app. Give that, why not ship the latest?
John Saunders