Basically I'm after this but for PowerShell instead of bash.
I use git on windows through PowerShell. If possible, I'd like my current branch name to displayed as part of the command prompt.
Basically I'm after this but for PowerShell instead of bash.
I use git on windows through PowerShell. If possible, I'd like my current branch name to displayed as part of the command prompt.
My PowerShell profile for Git is based off of a script I found here:
I've modified it a bit to display the directory path and a bit of formatting. It also sets the path to my Git bin location since I use PortableGit.
# General variables
$pathToPortableGit = "D:\shared_tools\tools\PortableGit"
$scripts = "D:\shared_tools\scripts"
# Add Git executables to the mix.
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Env:Path + ";" + (Join-Path $pathToPortableGit "\bin") + ";" + $scripts, "Process")
# Setup Home so that Git doesn't freak out.
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", (Join-Path $Env:HomeDrive $Env:HomePath), "Process")
$Global:CurrentUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$UserType = "User"
$CurrentUser.Groups | foreach {
if ($_.value -eq "S-1-5-32-544") {
$UserType = "Admin" }
function prompt {
# Fun stuff if using the standard PowerShell prompt; not useful for Console2.
# This, and the variables above, could be commented out.
if($UserType -eq "Admin") {
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "" + $(get-location) + " : Admin"
$host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "white"
else {
$host.ui.rawui.WindowTitle = $(get-location)
$status_string = ""
$symbolicref = git symbolic-ref HEAD
if($symbolicref -ne $NULL) {
$status_string += "GIT [" + $symbolicref.substring($symbolicref.LastIndexOf("/") +1) + "] "
$differences = (git diff-index --name-status HEAD)
$git_update_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "M`t").count
$git_create_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "A`t").count
$git_delete_count = [regex]::matches($differences, "D`t").count
$status_string += "c:" + $git_create_count + " u:" + $git_update_count + " d:" + $git_delete_count + " | "
else {
$status_string = "PS "
if ($status_string.StartsWith("GIT")) {
Write-Host ($status_string + $(get-location) + ">") -nonewline -foregroundcolor yellow
else {
Write-Host ($status_string + $(get-location) + ">") -nonewline -foregroundcolor green
return " "
So far, this has worked really well. While in a repo, the prompt happily looks like:
GIT [master] c:0 u:1 d:0 | J:\Projects\forks\fluent-nhibernate>
*NOTE: Updated with suggestions from Jakub Narębski.