



How Do I capture a variable?
Alternatively, can I store a reference to an object reference?

Normally, a method can alter a variable outside of it using ref keyword.

void Foo(ref int x)
    x = 5;

void Bar()
    int m = 0;
    Foo(ref m);

This is clear and straight-forward.

Now let's consider a class to achieve the same thing:

class Job
    // ref int _VarOutsideOfClass; // ?????

    public void Execute()
        // _VarOutsideOfClass = 5; // ?????

void Bar()
    int m = 0;
    var job = new Job()
        _VarOutsideOfClass = ref m    // How ?

How do I write it correctly ?

Comments: I can't make it a method with an ref argument, because typically Execute() will called somewhat later in a different thread, when it comes up in the queue.

Currently, I made a prototype with plenty of lambdas:

class Job
    public Func<int> InParameter;
    public Action<int> OnResult;

    public void Execute()
        int x = InParameter();

void Bar()
    int m = 0;
    var job = new Job()
        InParameter = () => m,
        OnResult = (res) => m = res

... but maybe there is a better idea.


Use Array with 1 element

class Job{
int[] _VarOutsideOfClass = new int[1];

Also You can use wrapper "int?" - forgive them nullable, but remember that it always passed over reference.

no it is not. Nullable<T> is a struct
yep, forgive Nullable! But array is still good reference holder.
+1  A: 

You can't have a ref field. See, for example, (scroll down to where it says "This explains why you cannot make a “ref int” field....").

A lambda or a delegate is probably your best bet here. I suppose you could use an event, or an observer interface, or something.

Roger Lipscombe

Here's a guess (I haven't tried/tested it):

class Job
  Action<int> m_delegate;

  public Job(ref int x)
    m_delegate = delegate(int newValue)
      x = newValue;

  public void Execute()
    //set the passed-in varaible to 5, via the anonymous delegate

If the above doesn't work, then say that the Job constructor takes a delegate as its parameter, and construct the delegate inside the Bar class (and pass the delegate instead of passing the ref parameter).

Error: Cannot use ref or out parameter 'x' inside an anonymous method, lambda expression, or query expression
Roger Lipscombe
Yep, doesn't work.