



Why does IE not change the background color on my site for tabs a:hover but does so in Firefox/Chrome/Safari correctly?

What can I do to make it work in IE 6+?


<ul class="tabbernav">
<li class="tabberactive"><a title="All" href="javascript:void(null);">All</a></li>
<li class=""><a>Tab1<span class="tabTotal"> (0)</span></a></li>
<li class=""><a>Tab2<span class="tabTotal"> (2)</span></a></li>
<li class=""><a>Tab3<span class="tabTotal"> (1)</span></a></li>


ul.tabbernav li a:hover {background:#fdfdfd; border: 1px solid #555; border-bottom: none; color:#3366a9; cursor: pointer}
+2  A: 

First thing I'd do is double check that the order of the psuedo selectors is correct.

It should be-

a:link {color:#FF0000} /* unvisited link /
a:visited {color:#00FF00} /
visited link /
a:hover {color:#FF00FF} /
mouse over link /
a:active {color:#0000FF} /
selected link */

The only specific IE hover issue I remember relates to non-link elements so I don't think that is your issue. - Just in case.

If that doesn't answer your question do you mind posting the related block of css?

GAH- That was a hard one!

It looks like IE is breaking because the links don't have an associated Href element. Fix that and you should be fine.

--Breaking News - I may be an idiot- That was the last thing I changed on my test page and that fixed it but when I put it all back together it broke everywhere... so take what I just posted with a grain of salt. I'm backing up to see what happened.

I've updated the original post to include code
Yikes. Good job on that.
Thanks! - I can't get my test file to work on any browser now even though I've reverted back to the original code. I think there was black magic at work here. Hopefully all is well now and if i just burn the test file we'll all be ok.
I've been trying to find an answer for hover on button elements in IE7 everywhere; and everyone has the same "use javascript" answer I don't like. Adding the HTML 4.0 DTD worked like a champ. Thanks!

I can't find an element that is assigned with the "tabbernav" class. I can see the "tabbertab" class is assigned to the tabs "All", "For Sale", "For Rent", "Apartments" and that it doesn't hover in IE 6

this would be better as a comment....
Use Firefox'es Web Developer plugin to see that the Tabifier javascript is dynamically inserting "tabbernav" to the UL for the All/For Sale/etc..
I've updated the original post to include code

I think IE 7 fixed the hover problem on elements other than , but haven't tested.

To make up for IE 6's lack of support for the :hover selector, you just need to use javascript to get the same effect. Set an onMouseOver event that applies the class you want. :D

This is being applied to a:hover, I believe you're referring to IE 7+ ability to apply :hover to more than just hyperlinks. I don't need to apply this to anything EXCEPT hyperlinks, so I don't think your answer applies
IE6 never had a problem with hovering on <a> elements. Just all of the other elements.
@TehOne, exactly.
I've updated the original post to include code
thanks, question edited. ;D
what's been edited CrazyJugglerDrummer?
click on the "edited x hours ago"

Your CSS looks to be valid.

Try adding an '!important' to your a:hover, and also try altering other styles in the definition. You may have some other style overriding that particular a:hover style via cascade.

Firebug in FF may show you some conflicting styles being inherited (although in IE6 you're on your own of course), but you should make sure you are not conflicting. a:hover works fine in IE6 as you and others in the question are aweare of

Also, put semicolons and newlines after your declarations you filthy heathen!

The strange think is that literally no matter what I put inside "ul.tabbernav li a:hover", IE 6+ doesn't recognize it but other browsers do. So if I change the FONT, or TEXT-DECORATION, etc... IE 6+ doesn't do it but all other browser do. With that being the case, !important is obviously not working. It's as thought IE 6+ does even notice I've declared anything inside "ul.tabbernav li a:hover"

I'm getting a javascript error (Invalid property Value) in IE at line ~852:

document.getElementById('panel-hlisting-all').style.backgroundColor = color;

where color has the value "#ffff100".

Could this be the cause of your problem?


You can use an expression in your CSS. I use this technique, i developed to a client's site.

Just put it on the END of your CSS, since Webkit browsers won't read anything below it.

* html * { color: expression( (function(who){ if(!who.MXPC){
 who.MXPC = '1';
 if(who.nodeName != 'A'){
  who.onmouseenter=function(){ who.className += ' hover'};
  who.onmouseleave=function(){ who.className = who.className.replace(' hover','')}; }
 (who==who.parentNode.firstChild) ? who.className += ' first-child' : '' ;
} } )(this) , 'auto') }
Bruno Schweller
I tried that and it didn't work for IE 6

Unfortunately, my local development server is hosed. But, here is how you can figure out what is wrong:

  1. Make a copy of the page.
  2. Remove all Javascript.
  3. Remove all CSS.
  4. Add CSS back in chunks, starting with the navigation specific styles.
  5. Once you see the problem happening, take out parts of the CSS that you just added.
  6. Get increasingly granular in your removing/adding and you will find the answer.

If it isn't the CSS, try adding the Javascript parts one by one, etc. You will learn a lot.


Just thought of it now - why not use Jquery to do it? with just a FEW lines of code you will have it done.

First, download Jquery from Then, you should properly link it to your file, on the head of your HTML:

<script src="url_to_your_jquery_file_here"></script>

Then, add another part of Javascript below this one:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
     $("li a").hover(
       function () {
      $(this).css("color", "#3366a9");
       function () {
Bruno Schweller
What's the code?
Ok, much more than 1 line of code :( but it whould work anyway.
Bruno Schweller
You should place href="" attribute in <a> tag.

This will fine work.