A person on Reddit has brought this code to my attention:
main = do
let ns = [print 1, print 2, print 3]
sequence_ ns
sequence_ $ reverse ns
sequence_ $ tail ns ++ [head ns]
head ns
What's going on here is we have an array of operations that we can do stuff with, like reverse or get its tail or head.
What I want to do is get into individual elements and change them for good. For example, I want to be able to do something like this:
ns !! 0
and get something like [print, 1] and then change last element to, say, 3.14 so that the function would print 3.14.
Is it at all possible in Haskell or should I just go back to LISP?
AN IMPORTANT EDIT: I sort of blundered. I understand that I will need to create a new list. Is it possible to get the arguments of a function, which is a part of a list? What I want is the ability to compose functions from their identifiers/arguments and also be able to break down a function into identifier/argument before it gets evaluated.