



I'm using the Dictionary class in the MS Runtime Scripting library to store where labels are going to go for a report template. Is there a way to iterate over all the key value pairs in that dictionary like in Python? I just want to use the key as the row number (It's all going in column A) and the value will be the label header.

Something like:

For Each key in dict
    Range("A" & key).Value = dict(key)
Next key
+4  A: 


For Each strKey In oDic.Keys()
    Range("A" & strKey).Value = oDic(strKey)
That's Excel code and won't work in Access.
@David W. Fenton: The code is in the spirit of the question.
It actually works in both! Thanks for answer!

I'm not sure I understand your question, but maybe this will be of use in an Access context.

Each report and form has a Controls collection. You can walk through it like this:

  Dim ctl As Control

  For Each ctl In Me.Controls
    If ctl.ControlType = acLable
       Debug.Print ctl.Name & ": " & ctl.Caption
    End If
  Next ctl
  Set ctl = Nothing

Now, assume you have a series of textboxes named like:


Then assume that each of those controls has a label attached (the names don't matter).

Now, supposed you want to load a pair of values into those controls from a recordset sorted by descending amount that looks like this:

   Person   Amt
   Art     $105
   Jill     $78
   Jack     $50
   Mary     $50
   Jim      $25
   Bill     $18
   Bob      $10
   Bart      $5
   Sue       $5
   Will      $3

Say that you wanted to poke their names and amounts into the captions and textboxes numbered 1-10 listed above. What you'd do is open your recordset:

  Dim db As DAO.Database
  Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
  Dim i As Integer

  Set db = CurrentDB
  Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Person, Amt FROM MyTable ORDER BY Amt, Person DESC")
  If rs.Recordcount > 0 Then
     Do Until rs.EOF
        i = i + 1
        Me("txtAmt" & Format(i,"00")) = rs!Amt 
        Me("txtAmt" & Format(i,"00")).Controls(0).Caption = rs!Person
  End If
  Set rs = Nothing
  Set db = Nothing

The looping and the counter are pretty self-evident for constructing the numbered names of the controls. The tricky part is the knowing how to stick a value in the caption of the control's label without needing to know the name of the label, and that's done by using the first item in the textbox's Controls collection (there can never be any more than one item in that collection, actually, unless it's a control like an option group, which can have multiple children).

Perhaps this is not what you needed, but maybe it will help someone else.

And, of course, there's also using custom collections, but that's really not useful in forms so much as in reports, where you might want to change the characteristics of a group of controls as you arrive on each record. But I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader...

Does anything in your answer pertain to the Dictionary class in the MS Runtime Scripting library?
Well, perhaps I didn't understand the question. The MS-ACCESS tag made me think the question had something to do with, er, MS Access. I gave an Access answer, on the assumption that the questioner had picked the wrong tool out of the toolbox. Explain to me how I'm wrong, and how the question was unambiguous.
Who's to say you are 'wrong'? I think your answer is worthy of a down vote because the question is essentially, "How to iterate over the keys of a Dictionary object in Excel VBA code?" and your answer talks about iterating over Access forms/reports controls and DAO recordsets but doesn't involve a Dictionary object at all. Your reply is interesting enough but not directly relevant to the question, IMO. mandroid doesn't think you are correct because they haven't 'accepted' your answer.
I don't post necessarily to get the answer to be accepted. Someone could come to this thread because it appears to relate to their own question, and by addressing tangential issues, it might help someone else. At this point, the ms-access tag has been removed, so perhaps I should delete the post. There was nothing clear to me in the original question about what kinds of objects were being asked about, or what context the code was being run from. That's why I started out by explicitly declaring my answer to be in the context of ACCESS.